Content Marketing Gaining on Traditional Advertising?

Andrew Spoeth of Marketo recently published an article that discussed how content marketing strategies are challenging traditional advertising models and tactics.

You can read the full contents of the article here.

It’s also interesting to note the number of content strategies that are available, and the ones that are the most popular.  Few quick stats:

– 79% use social media (excluding blogs)

– 78% post articles

– 11% use mobile content

Not surprisingly, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are the top three distribution mechanisms for content.  And on average, companies spend about 26% of their marketing budget on content strategy.

What is curious to me, however, is the small percentage of companies that use mobile content distribution strategies.  It’s interesting that there is so much activity going on for mobile marketing and mobile commerce, but mobile content distribution still seems to be lagging behind.  Perhaps it’s because there might not be content distribution methods that are mobile optimized yet.  Or, perhaps all those companies are so busy just trying to get their mobile apps and mobile web sites built that they aren’t thinking about content consumption on mobile.  While the form factor of mobile is clearly a consideration, any content strategy should look deeper into how to engage the mobile consumer in an effective way.

Content must be adapted so users can consume it on the move.  And various technologies – like speech processing – might be a good way to address that.  But regardless of the technology challenge, the strategic challenge is clear – engage your users with content where they are if you want to be successful.  And more than ever, where they are is on their mobile device.

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